The True Meaning of The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil tarot card is one of the most enigmatic cards in the Major Arcana. Today, we’re diving into its meanings when it shows up in a reading about love, career, and money, as well as what it means when it’s reversed.

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning in a Reading

The Devil card often sends shivers down the spine, but it’s not all doom and gloom. When you draw the Devil in a tarot reading, it signals a push to confront unhealthy attachments or obsessions.

These could be addictions, excessive materialism, or even toxic relationships.

In essence, it’s a wake-up call. The Devil calls us to face our shadows and break free from self-imposed chains.

Only by acknowledging and dealing with these issues can we achieve true liberation. The Devil tarot card is an invitation to reclaim your power.

The Devil and Love

When it comes to love, the Devil tarot card can be intense. This card hints at obsession, domination, or unhealthy dynamics in a relationship. It’s time to question if you’re giving up too much of yourself.

The Devil card isn’t always a breakup sign but a call to scrutinize your relationship.

Are boundaries being respected? Is there a lack of balance? For singles, it can be a sign to avoid plunging headfirst into a relationship based solely on physical attraction.

In a reading about love, the Devil pushes you to seek deeper connections beyond mere temptation.

The Devil and Career

The Devil card in career readings can be a bit of a red flag. It often indicates feeling trapped in an unfulfilling job or toxic work environment. Maybe it’s the golden handcuffs of a well-paying job you don’t love.

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This card encourages you to assess whether you’re sacrificing your happiness for money or status. The Devil tarot card is a call to break free from those chains.

Maybe it’s time to start looking for a new direction where you can be both happy and successful.

The Devil and Money

When the Devil card appears in a money reading, it’s time to check yourself. Are you spending impulsively or hoarding out of fear? This card often represents materialism and the unhealthy pursuit of wealth.

Financial worries could be dominating your life, making it difficult to find true happiness. The Devil encourages you to take stock and re-evaluate your relationship with money.

Is financial security worth compromising your peace of mind? It’s a wake-up call to achieve balance in your financial life.

The Devil Reversed

The Devil tarot, when reversed, brings a breath of fresh air. This card often signifies release from bondage, breaking free from addictions, or overcoming unhealthy habits. It’s a green light for personal freedom and growth.

In its reversed state, the Devil card implies you are actively working on improvements or getting out of a negative situation.

Whether it’s a toxic relationship, destructive habit, or stressful job, you are on the path to recovery. The reversed Devil is all about reclaiming your independence and finding healthier alternatives.

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